Computer Science Undergraduate Programmes 2020 Entry 2020 Entry | Page 8

8 | Computer Science Facilities Currently, there are seven computer laboratories within the School comprising around 200 desktop PCs. Every PC has the current hardware and software needed for all modules on the degree programme and provide both Microsoft Windows and the Linux operating system. The School buildings are accessible 24 hours a day, every day. The School has its own Computing Support team who set-up and administer all of the School facilities as well as provide support for any IT problems. All of the School’s teaching materials (lecture slides, lab-sheets, tutorial sheets) are published on the university’s Virtual Learning Environment as the course progresses. One hundred percent of Keele computing students said that they were “able to access general IT resources” when needed and 97% said that they were able to access “specialised equipment, facilities, or rooms” (Unistats, 2017). The school has its own Makerspace with 3D printers Raspberry PIs, Arduinos and dedicated PCs, and we provide web servers and cloud computing facilities for student use.