Comprehensive Guide to Moving for a New Job Comprehensive Guide to Moving for a New Job | Page 4

opportunity is halfway around the country – or world. Are you ready to make the move? Should you move for a job? Before you answer these, here are 10 questions you should ask yourself to determine if you should consider the offer:  Who will pay relocation costs? At the most basic level, the company you’re relocating for should have a relocation policy in place. It protects the employer and should make you feel more comfortable about uprooting your life too. This will outline how relocation costs will be covered or offset and if it will be a lump sum or direct bill method. There may be different policies depending on if it’s a short- or long-term relocation and whether it’s domestic or international.  Will my salary increase, or will my money go further? It’s unlikely you’re considering a big move for a job if it isn’t offering you more money or greater opportunities. But, what you really should be looking at is