Comprehensive Guide to Moving for a New Job Comprehensive Guide to Moving for a New Job | Page 10

 8 WEEKS BEFORE  Visit the New Office So you've accepted a job in a new city – congratulations! A few months before moving, schedule a time to visit your new city and office building. Not only will this alleviate first day jitters (and give you a good lay of the land), but it will also make your transition to the new job a successful one. Just be sure to let your employer know about the visit beforehand.  Connect With Employees When visiting your new city, ask to grab coffee with other employees at the same company. If they also relocated for the job, they could be full of great advice on how to get settled in your new city.  Ask About Relocation Packages If moving for work, you should ask your employer whether or not they plan to cover moving expenses. Many companies offer an assortment of relocation packages to employees. While relocation packages vary from company to company, most large employers will cover at least part of the move. Be sure to speak directly to the human resources department to find out any job relocation specifics.  Consider the Cost of Living When searching for a new home, be sure to consider the city's cost of living. For instance, are restaurants pricey? Or is it a cheap place to eat out? Are public transportation options fairly expensive? Or is the price of gas relatively low? Be sure to also look into average rental costs and home prices in the city's various neighborhoods.  Determine Your Ideal Work Commute How far are you willing to commute to work? While many will happily settle for a longer drive from the suburbs, others may prefer to live within walking distance of their office. Whatever your preference, just make sure to carefully