Component Catalog July 2014 | Page 25 1.800.586.8404 CYCLE-FLEXTM 50 SERIES LOOP CABLE DIA. DIA. 1 in./ mm 50-534* H ±.010/ 0.25 in./ mm L Ref. H Cross Section .014/ 0.36 .105/ 2.67 .17 Oval .027/ 0.69 50-014 .018/ 0.46 .063/ 1.60 .23 Hex 50-018 .021/ 0.53 .070/ 1.78 .24 Hex .100/ 2.54 .31 Hex .075/ 1.90 .17 Round .095/ 2.41 .31 Round .145/ 3.68 .47 Round .145/ 3.68 .24 Round .024/ .061 50-027 .027/ 0.69 .030/ 0.76 50-531 .030/ 0.76 .038/ 0.97 50-031 .030/ 0.76 .038/ 0.97 50-047 .045/ 1.14 .048/ 1.22 50-533 .045/ 1.14 .048/ 1.22 Please specify PIN diameter and S dimension. Note: Dimensions shown are “after swage of fittings applied to cable. C A B L E M A N U F A C T U R I N G A N D A S S E M B L Y C O . I N C .