Component Catalog July 2014 | Page 19 1.800.586.8404 SOLID CORE WIRE CORE WIRE PART NO. OD ±.001/ 0.03 in./ mm Type 302 S/S Spring Wire CC-521030 .030/ 0.76 CC-521032 .032/ 0.81 CC-521041 .041/ 1.04 CC-521047 .047/ 1.19 CC-521054 .054/ 1.37 CC-521062 .062/ 1.57 CC-521072 .072/ 1.83 CC-521075 .075/ 1.90 CC-521088 .088/ 2.24 Hard Drawn Galvanized Spring Wire CC-591047 .047/ 1.19 CC-591054 .054/ 1.37 CC-591062 .062/ 1.57 CC-591072 .072/ 1.83 Note: Additional diameters, material specifications and finishes are available. Material listed is normally in stock subject to prior orders. Please contact CMA Sales and Engineering departments for further information. C A B L E M A N U F A C T U R I N G A N D A S S E M B L Y C O . I N C .