From the editor
Staying focused on
providing real-life answers
to real-life challenges
As I travel around the world meeting clients and prospects of
The Red Flag Group I am humbled with the increased focused on
compliance in almost every country that I visit. People in compliance roles
are working very hard to build awareness of compliance and to challenge
their companies to act differently.
I have witnessed a growth of the industry in the last few years. It has now
matured to a very strong extent in some countries; others are just starting
to develop.
Having travelled to over 50 countries last year and speaking to compliance experts in so many
diverse industries, I am pleased to report that things are certainly improving. Compliance is now
starting to be valued and boards and executive management are now recognising the need to
invest in compliance.
I have seen great strides in certain industries, including shipping, logistics and manufacturing.
Certain countries are working hard to develop their industries, including the Nordic countries,
Germany and Singapore. There are, however, places that are still in the long-distant past, where
compliance is just seen as a tick-the-box exercise, notably in insurance, extractives and big oil,
where the focus is only on managing e-learning.
This edition of Compliance InsiderĀ® considers a range of topics, always focused on giving you
real-life answers to real-life problems. We will always end with a conclusion, a take-away, a call
to action or a checklist. Our aim is not only to find something for you to find useful, but also to
help your business partners realise that compliance issues are omnipresent in every company and
they will only ever be managed with focus, dedication and leadership. We want to help you make
compliance a competitive advantage. We want your companies to be able to take on more risk. We
want your companies to be free to drive the business harder in emerging markets, to take on larger
and riskier legal areas of the business, knowing that the compliance risks have been identified in
advance and managed without the business even knowing.
Enjoy this edition, and, as usual, always feel free to drop me any feedback on
[email protected].
Scott Lane
Editor in Chief, Compliance InsiderĀ®