Compiled Apr-Jun | страница 2

Residential and Vehicle Burglaries

During the past several months , the number of residential and vehicle burglary reports has increased throughout South Orange County , including Laguna Niguel . Burglaries have taken place in a variety of neighborhoods including gated and access-controlled areas .
Burglarized residences were accessed repeatedly through unlocked doors , patio sliders , and open windows . The most commonly stolen items are watches , jewelry , small electronics , cash , wallets , and computers . In the majority of vehicle burglaries , the suspect ( s ) entered through an unlocked car door or broke a side window to gain access to valuables that were left in plain sight . Some of the items being taken out of vehicles are cell phones , iPads , wallets , purses , briefcases , and laptops .
Burglary is a crime of opportunity ! Although they may seem random in occurrence , they involve a selection process . Suspects will select a home or vehicle to burglarize because it offers the best opportunity to carry out the crime quickly , undetected , and with the fewest number of prevention obstacles . If you remove the opportunity you will likely prevent the burglary . Police Services offers the following crime prevention suggestions :

Did you know that YOU ARE NOT ALONE ?

Laguna Niguel Police Services offers a care program for residents called “ You Are Not Alone .” ( YANA )
This FREE service is designed to provide a measure of safety and well-being for people who are primarily homebound , disabled , or just living alone .
Participants in the You Are Not Alone program have a scheduled visit , or a phone call if preferred , to your residence that is conducted by our PACT volunteers from Police Services . During Covid , and in accordance with the Center for Disease Control , we are not doing face-to-face visits . Each participant receives a phone call , twice a week ,
• Remove all valuables from your vehicle & lock your doors before going into your home .
• Always lock access points into your home . This includes the front door , garage doors , interior utility doors , patio sliders , veranda doors , and windows .
• Use timers for house and porch lights .
• Utilize alarms and security / motion lighting if you have them .
• Immediately report suspicious activity to the Orange County Sheriff ’ s Department at 949-770-6011 . This number is monitored 24 hours a day , 7 days a week .
• Good neighbors and an active Neighborhood Watch are two of the best prevention measures against most crimes . Neighbors working in cooperation with law enforcement make the best crime-fighting teams around !
If you would like additional crime prevention information , please send an email to kmcdonald @ ocsd . org or call 949-362-4305
to check on their well-being . Our volunteers check on the welfare of you or your loved one to make sure no additional care is immediately needed . If no one answers the emergency contact listed on the application is notified . If we are unable to reach someone an Orange County Sheriff ’ s Deputy will be called to check on the participant .
This program is not designed to take the place of medical services , daily nursing care , or to replace special assistance programs such as Meals on Wheels or OCTA Dial-a-Ride .
If You Are Not Alone sounds like a program fitting your needs or the needs of a loved one , please call Police Services at 949-362-4346 or email Tamberlyn Luketich at tluketich @ cityoflagunaniguel . org for more information or to request an application .