Competitive Marketing Strategy for the sale of 8690 Highway 30A August 2013 | Page 3

A Little About Me... Erin Oden Broker Associate I spent my formative years as an expat, growing up in Paris, France. While living in Paris, our holidays - spring breaks and long summers - were spent at my family's condo in Destin, Florida. Truly, the best of both worlds! On spring break when I was 15, I met a good-looking local beach boy. Several years later, I moved to the beach and married him! The international lifestyle I led growing up became my culture and Paris my home. I can easily agree with Gertrude Stein's sentiments,"America is my country but Paris is my home." It is also easy to agree with what all who love the Emerald Coast have found to be true - these really are the most beautiful beaches in the world! I graduated from Florida State University with a degree in Communication and Business before pursuing real estate. My husband, Jon, and I began investing in local real estate when we were ?rst married, and Jon also pursued building and development opportunities. I studied the market and trends for years as we made our own personal investments, and a real estate career seemed like a natural ?t for me. I obtained my license in 2005. For several years, I closely followed Destin Real Estate Company, admiring not only their leading production and innovative marketing, but the level of professionalism and integrity that clearly set their agents apart. In the fall, I received my Broker License to further my education and knowledge base. Shortly thereafter, I was invited to join Destin Real Estate Company. It has been an exciting and busy time to work in the secondary market. I enjoy the opportunity of walking clients step-by-step through the purchase and sales process, and developing our relationships along the way. My sales are focused on the secondary luxury and investment market along the coastal communities of the Scenic 30A corridor and Destin. I pride myself on a client relationship de?ned by a high level of diligence and communication, and providing thorough and complete property information for my clients to make con?dent, informed decisions. I am blessed to be well-traveled and have yet to come across any beaches that match the beauty of these sugar sands and emerald waters. My husband and I live on the bayou with our two girls, Hannah and Lela. We absolutely love calling this area "home." Boat rides in the evening, sitting on the dock watching the sun set over the bayou, the opportunity to go to the beach at the drop of a hat year-round - these are just a few of our favorite things. The coastal lifestyle is, in itself, luxury. Beyond the beauty of the sugar sand and the emerald waters, it is the lifestyle here on the Emerald Coast that is so easy and fun to sell! "C'est la vie!"