Competitive Marketing Strategy for the sale of 8690 Highway 30A August 2013 | Page 15

Property Preparations Finesse to impress! with the best impression. The ?rst impression your property makes is critical. If maintenance issues exist it is important that they be addressed prior to expo exposing your property to optimize its appeal and leave buyers Make the exterior of your property welcoming to buyers by Cultivate curb charisma! windows to showcase the view. maintaining its landscaping. Keep grass and plants trimmed, edged and fertilized, and remove debris from sidewalks, driveways and porches. Power-wash your property and clean its an Let there be light! Bu Buyers respond to bright interiors highlighted by pleasant views thro through sparkling windows. Open your window coverings prior to ro show show showings to reveal the natural light. Keep in mind; you are selling a lifestyle and not just a piece of property. Clean, clutter-free environments put buyers at ease th and allow them to envision themselves living there. Aim for the pristine, comfortable and serene atmosphere of a quality hotel. otel otel. el Cut the clutter!