Compete to Succeed Manufacturing Vision for Michigan 2023-2024 | Page 10

Manufacturing Vision for Michigan 2023-2024

Employment & Workforce Policy

Empowering the bright future of manufacturers and their employees through a competitive and supportive state regulatory system
As the world exited the COVID-19 pandemic , the Michigan Legislature was challenged with finding the best way to balance the need to provide safety in the workplace with the ability to keep the heart of the state ’ s economic engine alight .
To that end , they adopted numerous bills dealing with workplace issues , developing talent and the incentives needed to get Michiganders back into the workplace . These important priorities arose from the need for a properly funded unemployment insurance system , stability in the state ’ s Self-Insurers ’ Security Fund and a thorough understanding of the need to restrain state interference in the employer / employee relationship .
On top of these agenda items , we urgently need Michigan to invest in programs that will help talented Michiganders join our industry . The specific action items are found in the Talent Agenda on pages 6-7 .
Michigan Manufacturers Say
Two years after the

COVID-19 pandemic subsided , one of the biggest lessons we ’ ve learned is the heightened value of the relationship between employers and their employees . The stronger we allow that natural relationship to be , without interference , the more successful individual manufacturers , individual employees and the Michigan economy will be .

— Ann Marie Treglia , Global Manager , Government Affairs & the Environment , Dart Container Corporation , Mason
For more information , contact :
David Q . Worthams
MMA Director of Employment Policy worthams @ mimfg . org 517-487-8511 mimfg . org