>> Departments
10 . PRESIDENT ’ S NOTE Does anything excite you more than travel ?
12 . EDITOR ’ S NOTE Looking back at the good in 2021 .
14 . TRUE NORTH This quarter ’ s most important news for advisors .
17 . CONVERSATIONS What does bucket-list travel mean to you ?
20 . BY THE WAY ( A PSA ) Do travelers need travel insurance right now ?
22 . HOW I CARRY ON PROST Phoenix-Scottdale ’ s Elizabeth Pickering on how women are leading the industry .
24 . TAKING OFF Meet the podcaster behind “ Masters in Travel .”
26 . DIGITAL DNA How digital tools can transform your business .
28 . TECH TO KNOW The fear of flying is no joke — this app can help .
78 . BREAKOUT SESSION What ’ s your recovery resolution ?
80 . DESTINATION NEXT Revealing the beauty of the Canary Islands .
84 . YESTERDAY ’ S NEWS Cruise lines are setting sail in a post-pandemic market .
86 . ASK MAXWELL Our beloved flippered friend answers your VAX questions .
89 . CROSSWORD How well do you know islands around the world ?
90 . ONE FOR THE ROAD Wisdom to take with you till next time .
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