Compass_Summer 2021 Master | Page 58

Budget Cheat Sheet
At the budget level , it ’ s all about planning and flexibility .
Value clients have more budget flexibility , but they ’ re still cost-conscious .
With this client , the sky ’ s the limit .
Steal These Tips
Send your clients information about travel deals for airfare and accommodations .
Help clients connect with reward programs that can help them offset travel expenses .
Present a wide array of options , including domestic packages and off-season price comparisons .
Investigate less-expensive options for on-the-ground transport — mopeds , auto rickshaws and shared taxis can add authentic flare — and hyperlocal dining options .
For every trip , help clients identify one splurge , such as a fancy meal or a massage , to elevate the whole experience .
Help clients set a realistic budget .
Deliver rich experiences within budget parameters , but also suggest “ must-do ” splurges based on a client ’ s personality and what the destination has to offer .
Make sure bigger-ticket items , like a private tour at a single historical site or a luxury hotel for the last few nights , are substantial enough to really be the highlight of a vacation .
“ Splurge the last couple of nights on a really nice , relaxing hotel , with a nice pool and amazing views .” - Matt Wahlgren , owner of Matt Travel
Take time crafting bespoke itineraries that really resonate with your client ’ s personality and preferences .
Whether your client is looking for an adventure or just wants to be pampered , every service provider needs to offer an exceptional standard of service , and make clients feel like valued guests .
Consider immersive local experiences like yoga retreats or artist vacations .
Help clients find ways to capture their memories by connecting them with local photographers .
agency CrushGlobal . Before talking numbers , Braswell suggests finding out what clients are passionate about via intake surveys and conversation .
“ It ’ s really just showing the client that you understand what their travel personality is — listening in for the special touches that you can add to make it an incredible and memorable travel experience for them ,” Braswell says .
Next , ask clients about their previous travel experiences , which will tell you more about their travel preferences and how much they are accustomed to spending .
“ You just have to be clear on , ‘ What is your travel style and what are you willing to be flexible with ?’” says Vanessa Fondeur-Adams , who plans and hosts tours for members of the online community Latino World Traveler . What clients envision in terms of their ideal locations , transportation methods and dining options all “ make a huge difference that can make or break their budgets ,” she says .
Be sure to ask clients if they ’ ve done any online research about their upcoming trip and what prices they came across for flights , accommodation and tours .
Keep in mind that research shows people who can afford vacations plan to spend an average of $ 2,470 on trips in 2021 , according to a survey of American travelers conducted by IPX 2031 , a leading investment services company , while others are using their pandemic stimulus checks to splurge on travel .
Educate your clients about what ’ s possible Once you have this initial information , talking about your client ’ s actual budget should be less daunting — especially if you can assure them that you can deliver their dream vacation , regardless of how much they have to spend .
“ Sometimes clients or travelers may not be aware of what ’ s possible within their budget ,” says Braswell , who organizes everything from wine-country road trips to international getaways .
Braswell thinks creatively to help clients extend their budgets , particularly if they have more modest means , and likes “ empowering them with information ” about where to cut costs .
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