You asked : My password has expired and my
account is locked ; how can I get unlocked ?
Maxwell says : If your account is locked , your password is expired or you are having trouble logging in to the VAX website , you ’ ll need to contact your agency ’ s site manager . Within each agency ’ s VAX account , at least one person is designated as a site manager responsible for setting the permissions and providing access to the employees of the agency . This person will be able to reset your password or unlock your account . The site manager could be the agency ’ s owner , manager , office admin or someone designated with this responsibility . If you are the site manager for your agency and you need help with your access , you will need to contact the VAX Tech Support team . When you contact the VAX Tech Support team , they will need to verify your identity . In addition to providing them your agency number , you will also need to provide them with at least two of the following : your VAX username , the email associated with your VAX account , the phone number associated with your VAX account or the name of a valid site manager for the agency .
You asked : How can I track my agents ’ or my
own reservations ?
Maxwell says : There is a report available that you can export to view all of your reservations or all the reservations for your agency if you have the appropriate access . Start at the Retrieve Reservations link in the upper right navigation from any page on VAX . To retrieve all reservations from your agency , click Search under Reservation Search OR enter in any of the search criteria to narrow down your results . If you export the results to Excel you will get additional reservation details such as Number of Passengers , Number of Nights , Hotel Name and more . It is important to note reservations will only be retrieved if they were booked within the last three years and traveled within the past 18 months .
You asked : How can I book in VAX when my clients are leaving from different cities to the
same destination ?
Maxwell says : The ability to book travelers sharing a hotel room arriving from different origins is offered only through select suppliers within the VAX marketplace . To verify which suppliers offer this , you can start by selecting New Reservation in the upper right navigation . Choose your preferred supplier and then take a look through the Package Type drop-down . If your preferred supplier offers this package type , it will be named Multiple Origin Air – Shared Hotel or something similar to indicate that you have travelers arriving from multiple origins . After completing the rest of the details within the reservation tool and beginning your search , you will find yourself on the availability page without default selections . From here you will select the air for your first traveler and follow through to accept the terms and conditions and complete the booking without selecting a hotel . You will receive a prompt reminding you a hotel is required to complete the reservation . At this time , you can select the green Add Party button to add the flight coming from a different origin . Once you complete the air for passengers coming from each origin , you will see them on their own tabs . To add the hotel portion of the reservation you ’ ll start at the green Add Party button again , enter the correct number of adults that will be staying in the room and then click Search . On the availability page you can choose the hotel and any other features that you want to add for the travelers . Use the Refresh Deposit button to update the deposit based on all the components you have included in the package and then you will be able to complete the booking . The order of the steps is important ; you must complete the air portion for all travelers prior to adding the hotel and other components . If you need to modify the reservation later , you may need to contact your preferred tour operator ’ s call center directly .
Have a question for Maxwell ? Send it to us at training @ vaxvacationaccess . com and we ’ ll send it his way . Then check out the next issue of The Compass Magazine to see if he answered it !
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