TAYLOR COULSON Taylor Coulson traded in cava and paella in Barcelona , Spain , to finish her degree in cross-cultural communication and journalism . She has e�perience writing and editing content for travel professionals , wine enthusiasts and �0-somethings interested in studying or interning abroad .
LAUREL DELP Laurel Delp is a writer and editor who ’ s been published in numerous magazines , including Town � Country , Departures and Western Art � Architecture . Most recently , she was a contributing editor at A �are World , reviewing hotels and resorts worldwide . She has also written for a number of travel-related websites .
BETH KITZMAN Beth Kitzman is the business development manager for VA� VacationAccess . With over �0 years of e�perience in the travel industry , beginning with Walt Disney World then working for airlines and now focusing on travel technology , Beth loves using her education degree to find ways to educate and empower travel advisors to grow their leisure travel business .
RUTH TERRY �uth Terry is an American freelancer in �stanbul who writes about food , travel , wellness and life as a Black e�pat . Her work has appeared in BBC Travel , Fodor ’ s Travel , National �eographic , The Washington Post , Time , �es� and more . Follow her on Twitter ��uth _ Terry .
SARAH TRELEAVEN Sarah Treleaven is a writer based in Nova Scotia . Her work has appeared in Harper ’ s Magazine , en�oute , The �uardian , the BBC and many other publications .
S�MMER 2021 / THE COMPASS / 13