COMPASS-2-Spring 2021 | Page 9


Several years ago ,

my teenage son talked me into going on one of Universal Studios ’ incredible roller coasters at its Orlando , Florida , park . Not being a big roller-coaster fan , I thought , “ How bad could it be ? It will only be like a minute long . Look at all those people on the ride .”
So I said that I was in and we stepped up and got on board . I didn ’ t know what I was in for . This wasn ’ t the usual , tame roller coaster I had ridden years ago . It included the typical swoops and turns you ’ d expect , but you became inverted five times ( I may have lost count …) and at one point I remember thinking , “ Will this ever end ?!” At the end of the ride , I was wobbly-legged and dizzy , needing to take a break and just catch my breath .
After the past year and all of the twists , turns and inversions caused by the events of the pandemic , I feel somewhat similar . Wow , was that a tough past year ! We all may be a little wobbly and it was definitely longer than I expected , and we all need some time to regain stability . But we made it through it . There are brighter days ahead , and the world and our industry are poised to rebound .
Through this period of time , Trisept Solutions and VAX VacationAccess have stayed focused on providing you the best marketplace for travel advisors and leisure travel suppliers . In the past year we ’ ve made numerous enhancements to improve booking and servicing efficiencies . We continue to add new content and editorial to The Compass to support your business recovery . Suppliers continue to see VAX as the best way for them to connect with you and support your business , because we all know the power and influence you hold for the industry .
I ’ m sure that you get the same feedback from family and friends , that consumers are just itching to have
John Ische PRESIDENT , TRISEPT SOLUTIONS John ’ s industry tenure spans more than three decades .
the wonderful travel experiences that you provide . My crystal ball says that you will be very busy for the remainder of 2021 and I expect that this year is much more like a zip-line through the jungle than a ride on a roller coaster . Instead of unexpected twists and turns , the rebound of the industry will be exciting and rewarding ; an exhilarating experience where you ’ ll end up on solid ground at the end .
As we ’ ve learned in the last year , we ’ re all in this together , and this could not be truer for travel advisors and VAX VacationAccess . Thank you for your commitment to VAX and the industry , and I am wishing you all the best !