Gaylyn’s Story
This young lady proves that life with an ostomy doesn’t have to be fashion free! She tells her
story and share some of her favorite outfits to wear that make everyone ask ostoWHERE?
She is an expert at keeping herself glamorous, while being “gutless” at the same time. Even
proving that wearing fashionable bathing suits doesn’t have to be off limits. She is always willing
to answer any of your questions and has an amazing direct contact form right on her website,
so after you’re done reading here, be sure to check it out!
I am rushed to the hospital only to sit stranded in the
cold, damp waiting room for what seemed like an eternity
in agonizing pain. Unable to keep even a sip of water
down, vomiting more than my poor little body could
handle, strangers began to hook my weakened veins up to
intravenously fluid and medicines in hopes to replenish my
body of what it was dangerously emitting profusely. All I kept
thinking was why and that in that moment; I wanted to die. I
felt like I was going to die and I almost got my wish.
At the age of 14, I was diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease.
Little did I know at the time how drastically my world was
going to completely turn upside down and that my way of
thinking was going to change forever.
This disease has drastically impacted my life, as well
as those that are close to me. I have had multiple
hospitalizations, multiple surgeries, multiple procedures,
and millions of doctor visits. I am in pain most days, and
have taken/take an array of medications to try to alleviate the symptoms. It has been a
never ending cycle living with a chronic condition, more specifically in my case
Crohn’s Colitis.
My most recent surgery was a total proctocolectomy leaving me with a permanent
ileostomy. As I look back, a lot of my hospitalizations and procedures prior to this last