peace in their bellies through a healthy balance of Eastern and Western medicine.
We are constantly researching and working to spread this knowledge through our IBD
retreats, informative first-person and educational articles and info
graphics, and The Heart Project.
The Crohn’s Journey Foundation (TCJF) is a non-profit founded on
December 2012 and led by Sarah Chouiery (me) with the help of
TCJF team: Kevin A. Barnes, Linton Rodgers and Stephanie Smith.
TCJF is the IBD movement for compassion, health and love for
your insides.
The “Love Your
Insides” tank top.
Our goal is to create a haven all over the world for people with
Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, through our IBD Retreats.
The retreats encompass a well-rounded, East-meets-West approach
to healing which focuses on the mind, body and soul. The retreats
offer a safe place for people with IBD to relate to others who truly
understand the struggles that come with having an inflammatory
bowel disease. We aim to make all retreats donation-based by
2015, so that everyone will have the opportunity to join us and find
a haven that will not only provide education, but a place to create
an IBD family that will last a lifetime.
Along with the retreats, The Crohn’s Journey Foundation connects
with the community through well-written articles that explore many
different topics related to IBD. Our articles provide a voice to the
IBD community, as our panel of IBD writers educate and inspire the
community while sharing their personal and honest Crohn’s disease
and ulcerative colitis stories.
The Heart Project is The Crohn’s Journey Foundation’s IBD
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