would be to stay calm. You’ve lived with it before diagnosis, you’ll
live with it after and probably get better with treatment,” says
Michael M., an indeterminate colitis patient.
Don’t let pamphlets and brochures define your personal disease.
Everyone is different and even though there is no known cure for
IBD, there are countless options that you can consider to make
your diagnosis seem less daunting. “This is a low point, it does get
better,” says Sarah R., an IBD patient.
The very first strategy that you should take into consideration is
concreting your diagnosis. Many patients’ suffering is prolonged
because they have been misdiagnosed. Second opinions are a must
in the diagnosis process. Knowing and understanding as much as
Tom H. (@foreveryibd) didn't let
IBD bring him down!
possible about your specific situation is the most important step you
can take for yourself.