COMP 220 iLab 3 Bank Account Lab Report and Source Code COMP 220 iLab 3 Bank Account Lab Report and Source | Page 2

program worked properly. If necessary, include a clearly labeled table with test cases, predicted results, and actual results. Summary and Conclusions: Includea summary of what the lab demonstrated and any conclusions drawn from the testing of the lab program. Provide a UML diagram showing the base and the derived class relationships, access specifiers, data types, and function arguments. Answers to Lab Questions: Answer any and all of the lab questions included in the lab steps. Summary: Write a statement summarizing your predicted and actual output. Identify and explain any differences. Conclusions: Write at least one nontrivial paragraph that explains, in detail, either a significant problem you had and how you solved it or, if you had no significant problems, something you learned by doing the exercise. Each lab exercise should have a separate section in the lab-report document. Your lab grade is based upon the formatting of your source code; the use of meaningful identifiers; the extent of internal documentation; the degree to which an exercises’ specifications are met; and the completeness of your lab report. i L A B S T E P S STEP 1: Create the Multifile Project and the Main (Base) Class Create a new project that consists of the base class BankAccount. The BankAccount class should contain, at minimum, the following members. It should contain data members to store a bank customer's balance and account number. These should be of different and appropriate data types. It should have function members that do the following: set the account number; return the account number; return the account balance; deposit money into the account; and withdraw money from the account. STEP 2: Create the CheckingAccount Class Derived From the BankAccount Class The class CheckingAccount should contain, at a minimum, the following members. It should contain a data member to keep track of the number of withdrawal transactions made on the account. Whenever a withdrawal is made, this number should be incremented. Override