COMP 220 DEVRY EVRY COMP 220 iLab 3 Bank Account Lab Report and S | Page 3

The class CheckingAccount should contain , at a minimum , the following members .
It should contain a data member to keep track of the number of withdrawal transactions made on the account . Whenever a withdrawal is made , this number should be incremented . Override the base class , withdraw-money function , and add the capability to deduct transaction fees from an account using the following guidelines . The checking account is allowed three free transactions . For each successful withdrawal transaction past the three free transactions , there will be a service fee of 50 cents per transaction . The service fee should be deducted from the account balance at the time the transaction is made . If there are insufficient funds in the account balance to cover the withdrawal plus the service fee , the withdrawal should be denied . The function should return a value to indicate whether the transaction succeeded or failed . Transaction fees should be deducted only from successful transactions , but the transaction count should be incremented in either case .
STEP 3 : Create the SavingsingAccount Class Derived From the BankAccount Class
The class CheckingAccount should contain , at a minimum , the following members . It should contain a data member to hold the daily interest rate . The daily interest rate can be calculated from a yearly interest rate by dividing the annual rate by 365 . It should contain a data member to keep track of the number of days since the last transaction or balance inquiry . This should be updated using a random-number generator ( reference Lab 1 ) that will return a value representing the number of days between 0 and 7 , inclusive . We will assume that this bank is open every day of the year . It should contain a data member to hold the interest earned since the last transaction or balance inquiry . It should contain a function member to set the annual interest rate .
Utilize the base-class functions for both withdrawal and deposit operations for the savings account . Override the base-class-balance inquiry function to add calculating and adding interest to the account based on the daily interest rate , the current balance of the account , and the number of days since the last balance inquiry . This should be called only when a balance inquiry is made , not when a deposit or withdrawal transaction or an account number inquiry is made . If there are insufficient funds in the account balance to cover a withdrawal , the withdrawal should be denied . The number of days since the last transaction or balance inquiry and the interest calculations should still be made . A value should be returned to indicate whether a withdrawal transaction succeeded or failed . It should contain a function member to return the interest earned since the last transaction or balance inquiry . It should contain a function member to return the number of days since the last transaction or balance inquiry .
STEP 4 : Test Program Operation