COMP 220 DEVRY EVRY COMP 220 iLab 3 Bank Account Lab Report and S

DEVRY COMP 220 iLab 3 Bank Account Lab Report and Source Code

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This lab introduces you to writing a C ++ program to implement the concept of class inheritance using different types of bank accounts as a model . In this lab , you will create a base class , called CBankAccount , and two additional classes ( each derived from CBankAccount ), called CSavingsAccount and CCheckingAccount . You will then test the operations of each class in function main () to simulate the transactions of both a checking account and a savings account .
Deliverables .
Submit a single Notepad file containing the source code for all the files of the lab to the Dropbox for Week 3 . Your source code should use proper indentation and be error free .
Be sure that your last name and the lab number are part of the file name : for example , YourLastName _ Lab3 . txt .