COMP 122 Lab 6 Lab Report and Source Code COMP 122 Lab 6 Lab Report and Source Code

COMP 122 Lab 6 Lab Report and Source Code Click Below Link To Purchase code COMP 122 Week 6 iLab You are to design a program that will allow some number of grades (up to a max of 100) to be input by the user. After the data has been collected, your program should calculate and output the mean and median of the collected data, as well as the sorted grade information. Design Constraints Use an integer constant of 100 to specify the number of elements in the array you will use to collect the grade information. Do not use any global variables in your program. Declare any arrays you need in your main function and pass the arrays as needed into the functions described below. The main function is the only function permitted to do any output to the console!!! Do not do cout operations inside of any other function. Your data collection loop in your main function must allow the user to enter less than 100 grades. It must also make sure that the user does not try to enter more than 100 grades. Each data value entered should be checked to make sure it is between 0 and 100. Any other value entered should be considered invalid and ignored (ie. not counted as a valid input and not stored in an array). Once the data is collected, the array and the number of grades collected must be passed to a function called mean. The mean function must loop through the values in the array, summing them together. The result of the function is the sum divided by the number of grades collected. The result must be returned from the mean function to the main function, where is it output in an appropriate manner (two digits after the decimal point). The main function should then pass the array and the number of grades collected to the median function. The median of a set of numbers is the number in the set where half the numbers are above it and half the numbers are below it. In