The table's column headings should display the degree symbol, e.g., °C and °F. The first column
must be the "from" temperature (C for C to F or F for F to C) and the second column the "to"
temperature (F for C to F or C for F to C). The calculated "to" temperatures are to be displayed
to the nearest tenth of a degree (display exactly one decimal place, even if there is no fractional
part, i.e., 75° should display as 75.0°). Temperatures in both columns must be number-aligned
(right-justified for the integer "from" values and decimal point aligned right for the "to" values).
Assume the user enters correct data, e.g., the start temperature, end temperature and
increment are all integers and the ending temperature is greater than the starting temperature.
The formula to convert Celsius to Fahrenheit is
The formula to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius is
Function Requirements
You must create and use the following functions:
displayMenu( ) displays a menu. getMenuSelection ( ) gets the menu selection from the user,
upper or lower case 'C' for Celsius to Fahrenheit, upper or lower case 'F' for Fahrenheit to
Celsius, and upper or lower case 'Q' to quit. Any other input should get an error message
"Invalid selection: try again" and re-prompt for the menu selection. getStartEndAndIncrement( )
gets the start, end and increment values for the table from the user. CtoF( ) converts a Celsius
temperature to Fahrenheit. FtoC( )converts a Fahrenheit temperatures to Celsius. displayTable(
) displays a C to F or F to C table given start, end and increment values and the conversion
character the user selected.
Additional Requirements
Absolutely NO GLOBAL VARIABLES can be used to implement this program! Any program using
global variables will NOT be accepted! Use a switch statement to respond to the user's menu
selection in the getMenuSelection function. After the user selects a valid temperature table
option, ask the user to enter start, end, and increment values, then display the table and stop
until the user presses the ENTER key to continue (prompt the user, of course). When the user
presses ENTER to continue the menu should be redisplayed, allowing the user to make another
menu selection (either to display another temperature conversion table or quit). Make sure
that your code is properly formatted (indentation, etc) and that you have provided suitable
documentation of all your functions (comment blocks for program and functions!).
How to print the degree symbol
It is easy enough to find out how to do this by searching the web. The short answer is: