CommunityReport-2019-2020 | Page 13

CRIMINAL JUSTICE REFORM Reform involves ending the pipeline to prison and creating pathways for ex-offenders to re-engage back into society .
• Supporting school- and neighbor-hoodbased restorative justice practices that instill responsibility , reduce disci-plinary disparities and divert youth from the system in lieu of arrest for low-level offenses
• Supporting mentoring opportunities for at-risk girls and boys
• Expanding opportunities for ex-offenders
PROTECTION AND EMPOWERMENT OF WOMEN AND GIRLS The protection and empowerment of women and girls is paramount to the Jaguars players , organization and our community .
• Support programs that empower girls and women .
• Support local domestic violence shel-ters .
• Support relationship violence education , sexual-assault awareness programs and survivor-centered services .

ICARE & Jacksonville Jaguars

For years , hundreds of youth in Duval County were being arrested every year for minor offenses like stealing a soda or getting in a shoving match .
The members ICARE ( Interfaith Coalition for Action , Reconciliation and Empowerment ), representing faith communities of various religions across Jacksonville , were concerned about this life-long impact on youth . ICARE found the Jacksonville Sheriff ’ s Office could issue civil citations to these youth so they could enter meaningful diversion programs . They were however , only using this option a quarter of the time . In 2017 , ICARE assembled 1,500 people and challenged Sheriff Williams to issue civil citations the eligible youth . He agreed and the State Attorney helped to ensure that every youth in Duval , Nassau and Clay counties have access to this program . Last year , 82 % of eligible youth received civil citations and youth arrests were reduced by 500 children . Duval County went from having one of the highest juvenile arrest rates in the state to being a leader in the use of civil citations and effective restorative justice programs . This has had a meaningful impact in our youth and has saved our community an estimated $ 2.2 million dollars . The Jaguars players , through the NFL ’ s Inspire Change platform , contributed to ICARE ’ s continued good work .
WR Michael Walker and QB Gardner Minshew are given a behind the scenes tour of a Boys and Girls Club facility .
P Logan Cooke stopped by Ronald McDonald house to spend time with the residents and help decorate cookies .