AIDS Outreach ................................................................. 817-335-1994 400 N . Beach , Ste 100 , Fort Worth , TX 76111 www . aoc . org
Cook Children ’ s Health Plan ....................................... 1-800-964-2247 www . cookchp . org / English / default . aspx
Help Center for LGBT Health and Wellness ................... 817-200-6500 Arlington Clinic 600 E . South , Arlington , TX 76010 https :// helpcentertx . org / contact-us
John Peter Smith ( JPS ) Connection Program ............... 817-702-1001 Eligibility and Enrollment 501 W . Main , Arlington , TX 76010 https :// jpshealthnet . org / financial-resources / jps-connection
Mission Arlington Medical / Dental Clinic ....................... 817-277-9597 210 W . South , Arlington , TX 76010 https :// missionarlington . org / bob-mann-medical-clinic
Open Arms Health Clinic ................................................ 817-496-1919 3311 Little , Arlington , TX 76016 https :// www . openarmshealthclinic . org
Lena Pope ........................................................................ 817-255-2500 601 W . Sanford , Ste 202 , Arlington , TX 76011 https :// lenapope . org
Mission Arlington ............................................................ 817-704-6144 210 W . South , Arlington , TX 76011 https :// missionarlington . org / counseling
Healthcare - Mental Health / Counseling