Our volunteers - continued from page 15
In 2013, we started a wonderful relationship with Goodwill Industries of Alberta. Every Monday and Wednesday, individuals from Goodwill come with a job coach to room 9. Their duties are sanitizing and cleaning our toys, equipment
and the room. This program has helped us tremendously! Our equipment has never been cleaner, and our toys have
never been more organized and germ-free. Because of our great relationship, Edmonton Northwest Out of School
Care has been awarded the Goodwill Greatness Award.
Thank you to Felix. Felix was a volunteer at Edmonton Northwest Out of School Care for almost 3 years. Felix helped
at the garage sale and went on a field trips with us during the summer. Felix also volunteered every Thursday at the
OOSC. He made special trips to the library on the children’s behalf to get a movie or a new Wii game. Felix is has
graduated from volunteering with us, to volunteering with another worthy non-profit association. He still plans to join
Community Options for our community events. We are so proud and happy that Felix contributed so much to us and
continues to be a great volunteer. Thank you Felix from all of us at the Edmonton Northwest Out of School Care.
Thank you to all of our volunteers. We are very lucky to have you as part of our centre!
We thank you!
Our community never fails to amaze us with their continuous support, and incredible generosity. Thank you to Terry
Macpherson, who donated a real piano! Mopeth and Michael who have joined us the centre, on several occasions, to
cook us delicious authentic Filipino food; and have also repaired much of our equipment, including our foosball table,
air hockey table, and our loft.
We also want to thank our friend Noreen Hindle. Noreen is always including the OOSC in her community events and
we appreciate the effort she puts forward for us. The children really enjoyed being involved in the garage sale and Festive Meal.
We appreciate the support of our Human Resources Coordinator, Charlene Johnson, for always assisting staff when
Final note
Our program sometimes faces challenges in meeting all the needs of families and children. We take these as opportunities for the staff and children to work together to build a stronger community. It is great to have such support from
our families, our colleagues and mentors at head office, Inglewood School, and a variety of government agencies and
individuals. We continue to grow and learn, and we are proud to be an inclusive child care centre. We try our best to
“never say no” to a child who needs our assistance.
André Davis, Program Director