Community Options Annual Report 2013 | Page 10

ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING REPORT | 10 Community Preschool Education Respectfully Submitted by Marjorie Cooper We are driven by learning in an inclusive environment. The children we provide services for benefit greatly with the early intervention we provide. Each child is Program Unit Funded by the Government of Alberta. This funding affords us the oppor- tunity to provide the best multi-disciplinary team possible. Each child, depending on need, can have an SLP, SLPA, OT, OTA, PT, Family Support Liaison, an Educational Assistant, and a certi- fied Coordinating Teacher to create an Individualized Program Plan on site (daycare, preschool, or kindergarten) and in the home. We are a family first program for children between 2.5 and 6 years old (before September 1st) with developmental delays and/or disabilities. Our multi-disciplinary team works as a unit to give each child the opportunity to learn in an inclusive environment with typically-developing children of the same age. We service the Edmonton and surrounding area to include Beaumont, St. Albert, Sherwood Park, Fort Saskatchewan, Spruce Grove, Devon, and Leduc. Each child’s team works together targeting various goals in a fun and interesting manner. Abilities are challenged through encouraging discovery in learning by building on their strengths and nourishing their self-esteem. “Play is the work of the child” Maria Montessori