Community Life Volume 19 No. 3 | Page 11

Cleburne ’ s Garey Wylie has only missed two games since 2017

If the Cleburne Railroaders had a list of their top fans , Garey Wylie ’ s name would definitely be No . 1 . The longtime Cleburne resident has been the baseball team ’ s biggest fan since day one in 2017 when the city broke ground on the stadium .

“ Garey Wylie has helped Cleburne grow so much in the three years that I ’ ve known him ,” Railroaders General Manager Chris Jones said . “ He always goes the extra mile to facilitate connections between organizations in the community . By far , Garey is the Railroaders most loyal fan , but more importantly he is an outstanding man to his wife Melanie , children , and grandchildren .”
Wylie was the first person in line to purchase season tickets during the inaugural season , giving him the best seats in the house , right behind home plate . He ’ s been in those seats for every game since — all but two of them .
“ I had a knee problem and the doctors told me to stay off my knee for about two weeks ,” he said . “ Well I stayed off of it for two days .”
Wylie went back to the doctor and asked if it was OK for him to use a cane and go down some stairs . The doctor gave him the all clear if he was careful .
“ I went to the store and bought me a cane and a way I went back out to the Depot ,” he said . “ So I was on the disabled list for two days since 2017 .”
Having played baseball for Cleburne High School when he attended there and playing a few years at Cisco Junior College , Wylie said he has always had a passion for baseball . At La Moderna Field , he ’ s living his dream .
Wylie said he remembers eating lunch with his wife at Barrera ’ s in 2016 when he overheard a group at a table nearby discussing the Railroaders .
“ I told Melanie I ’ m pretty sure those guys behind us are part of the Railroaders group and I tried to listen to the conversation but it was so noisy in there ,” he said . “ How rude of them to not let me hear what they were saying . It was a shock . I knew it was coming but I didn ’ t know they were in
town already talking and making plan .”
Wylie has been a loyal fan since the first day and said he ’ s appreciative of every management team and leader for the solid foundation they helped prepare for the team .
“ One thing that I ’ ve noticed since day one , even though every year we have new players , the baseball players are trying to make it to the next level ,” he said . That ’ s the whole reason for our association — for those guys to move up . So the players name changes but they come through with their heart and their desire to make it to the next level .
“ That ’ s what ’ s fun to watch . When you go out there those guys , they give 100 % every night . They just they just put their heart and soul in it to try to make it to the next level .”
Wylie takes time to give back to the Railroaders and community as well . He and his wife give the players goodie bags as they load the bus for every away game . He ’ s out there helping with the Home Plate Project handing out food when they host it .
While they haven ’ t hosted a player before , they have hosted a gentleman who played Spike before .
“ He was a great guy and you know Spike always gets the crowd involved ,” Wylie said . “ We have a lot of entertainment in everything .”
Wylie said it ’ s hard to pick just one favorite thing about attending games .
“ I really enjoy watching these guys play the game of baseball and the enthusiasm and the energy that they have ,” he said . You know , in my mind , I can still score from second base on a base hit to the outfield but my body says , ‘ Oh no , you can ’ t . That ’ s a trip to the ER for you now .’”
He said he also enjoys the feeling of being a family of fans and the energy in the crowd .
His wife , Melanie , said she never thought she ’ d be living at the ballpark every summer .
“ No , I never thought that but he understands if I don ’ t want to go . So I miss a lot more than he does , she said . “ But through going to ballgames I ’ ve learned a lot about baseball that I didn ’ t know .”
Melanie Wylie said she loves spending time at the games .
“ I think it ’ s great because we ’ ve made friends that we would not have made or ever met ,” she said . “ It ’ s just a great family place with family atmosphere .”
As far as being labeled the Railroaders ’ biggest fan ?
“ Wow , it ’ s quite an honor ,” Wylie said . “ It ’ s been exciting and fun .”
Monica Faram | Times-Review Garey Wylie , left , and his wife , Melanie in their season ticket seats behind home plate at La Modera Field during opening day of the 2024 season .
Community Life 11