Community Insider Spring 2020 | страница 10

YOUR DIRECTOR HAS GONE “ROGUE” - NOW WHAT? By Robert Riddick, CMCA I magine for a moment that your homeowner association (HOA), has been governed since its inception, by an informed, educated and engaged Board of Directors, and is one that also enjoys a reputation for being a great community to live in. Remarkably, it’s so well-governed that potential new residents are clamoring for the opportunity to buy into the community when homes go on the re- sale market. In fact, today’s nationwide landscape of nearly 350,000- plus homeowner associations, and comprised of almost 75 million residents, or almost 28% of the total population of the U.S., continues to add to its growth numbers. Trends indicate that living in an HOA is so appealing that population numbers are estimated to increase to 50% by 2040. With numbers like that, it’s easy to understand how important the role of the HOA’s Board of Directors is in assuring and maintaining the best quality-of-life for its residents. As many of you already know, but for those who don’t, every Board’s primary responsibilities include: 1) enforcing the governing documents (CC&Rs, Bylaws and the Rules); 2) managing the finances of the HOA; 3) maintaining and protecting the common-areas of the association; 4) keeping corporate records; and 5) the requirement to exercise due care and undivided loyalty to the association (Francis T. vs Village Green HOA). 10 | SAN DIEGO COMMUNITY INSIDER SPRING 2020 Imagine again, that you are one of the volunteer Board members of your HOA, and you discover one day that one of your fellow Board-members has willingly violated one or more of her duties as a Director. There is no doubt that she committed the acts, and when confronted by the rest of the Board for an explanation, she refuses to give one. She further tells you and the rest of the Board that she can divulge whatever information she wants, as long as it’s not “illegal” in her mind. In this case, she has intentionally divulged personal homeowner information to other members of the HOA, regarding disciplinary actions taken by the Board against that homeowner, including fine- amounts levied and payment-plan details. She finally reveals that she intends to continue doing so in the future, as a way of encouraging members to not violate the