ow are we already headed into fall? 2019 is flying by, and I hope that you
have all taken advantage of our CAI-SD educational, social, and community
events this year!
We had 52 dedicated CAI-SD volunteers attend our Feeding San Diego
event on Saturday, July 20th, who sorted several thousand pounds of food!
Additionally, thanks to the efforts of our amazing Community Outreach Committee, CAI
members donated a total of 1,987 pounds of food!
We are looking into scheduling another Community Outreach volunteer event, so keep
an eye out on your email for more information!
Wine Night & the Tiki Party were huge successes, and Day at the Races is always a hit!
Don’t forget Beer Night at the end of September and the ever popular Golf event in
October. These events are almost sold out, so get your tickets while you still can.
Upcoming education program topics include “Behind the Scenes of Claims
Adjustment” (9/27/19) and “Short Term Rentals” (10/29/19). And don’t forget our Legal
Update/Almost Free Legal Advice event on November 8th.
We would like to recognize and thank Hudson Management Services for allowing a
representative from CAI San Diego to attend their summer Board Boot Camp, to provide
their Board Members with information on the benefits of CAI membership. As a result
of their willingness to open their event to us, CAI San Diego is gaining more than 40 new
homeowner leader members!
As always, we encourage all members to invite people they know to any of our
education programs. Please contact the CAI-SD office for additional information and
With 2019 flying by, many of our managers and board leaders are already into budget
season. As we want everyone to continue to enjoy their ongoing CAI memberships,
remember to include CAI and CLAC on you annual budgets!
I am looking forward to seeing everyone at our upcoming events, and as always,
welcome any input regarding events or CAI.
Thank you for being a part of CAI-San Diego!
FALL 2019
Rachael Robenolt is the
owner and operator of 360
Community Management,
exclusively serving Home-
owners Associations in San
Diego County. She started
her company after eight
years of managing HOA’s
and with more than 18 years
in management and mar-
keting. Rachael’s experience
in community management
and serving on her own As-
sociation’s Board of Direc-
tors gives her unique com-
munity association insights.
Rachael is an active volun-
teer leader in CAI, who has
served as an American Heart
Association advisor.