Community Health Needs Assessment 2013 | Page 41

Tab 1 Demographic Profile (Con’t) # People QuickFact s 1 Veterans, 2007-2011 (Tot als) 2 Living in same house 1 year & over, percent , 2007-2011 3 Foreign born persons, percent , 2007-2011 4 Persons per square mile, 2010 5 Mean t ravel t ime to work (minut es), workers age 16+ 6 7 Households, 2011 (Tot als) Homeownership rate, 20072011 8 Median value of owneroccupied housing unit s, 2007-2011 9 Persons per household, 20072011 Missouri **MO Rural Counties Norm 7,391 503,720 NA 87.1% 83.5% 86.9% 0.9% 3.8% 1.2% 27 87 23 22.5 23.3 24.0 32,075 2,354,104 NA 74.2% 69.5% 75.0% * NE MO Reg AVER N=6 Trend $89,017 $138,900 $88,905 2.4 2.5 2.4 Per capit a money income in the past 12 mont hs (2011 10 dollars), 2007-2011 $20,273 $25,371 $19,230 Median household income, 11 2007-2011 $40,946 $47,202 $36,366 14.3% 18.1% Persons below povert y level, 12 percent , 2007-2011 # 1 Children in single-parent households 14.3% * NE MO Reg AVER N=6 27.7% Trend Missouri **MO Rural Counties Norm 33.0% 30.6% 40