CHNA work to focus on
NE MO Region (6 counties)
Community Health Needs Assessment Project
Three Tasks to Complete
A "community health needs assessment" must include input
from persons "representing the broad interests of the community
served by the hospital facility," including those "with special
knowledge of or expertise in public health.“ The assessment must
be made widely available to the public - WEB
After CHNA report is released, an Implementation Plan will be
assembled - Work with OTHERS to address needs .
Hospital Board must ADOPT several measures to address
community health needs. (Documented in Board minutes, recorded
on 990 and communicated to community.
I. Introductions: a conversation with
the community. Community members invited to CHNA
Town Hall
Consumers: Uninsured/underinsured people,
NE MO Region CHNA Steering
Committee members
Members of at-risk populations, Parents, caregivers and o ther consumers of
health care in the community, and Consumer advocates.
Community leaders and groups: The hospital organization’s board