Overview of Town Hall Community Priority Setting Process
Each community has a wealth of expertise to be tapped for CHNA development. For this
reason, a town hall is the perfect forum to gather community insight and provide an
atmosphere to objectively consensus build and prioritize county health issues.
All Town Hall priority-setting and scoring processes involve the input of key stakeholders in
attendance. Individuals and organizations attending the Town Halls were critically important
to the success of the CHNA. The following list outlines partners invited to Town Hall: local
hospital, public health community, mental health community, free clinics, communitybased clinics, service providers, local residents, community leaders, opinion leaders, school
leaders, business leaders, local governmen t, faith-based organizations and persons
(or organizations serving them), people with chronic conditions, uninsured community
members, low income residents, and minority groups.
Hannibal Regional Healthcare System’s Town Hall was held over dinner on Thursday June 20th,
2013, at Quality Inn in Hannibal MO. Vince Vandehaar and Lyndsey Ogle facilitated this 1 ½
hour session with forty nine (49) community attendees. (Note: a detail roster of Town Hall
attendees is listed in Section V a.)
The following Town Hall agenda was conducted:
1. Welcome & Introductions
2. Review purpose for the CHNA Town Hall and roles in the process
3. Present / Review of historical County Health Indicators (10 TABS)
4. Facilitate Town Hall participant discussion of data (probe health strengths
/ concerns). Reflect on size and seriousness of any health concerns sited
and discuss current community health strengths.
5. Engage Town Hall participants to rank health needs (using 4 dots to cast
votes on priority issues). Tally & rank top community health concerns
6. Close meeting by reflecting on the health needs / community voting
results. Inform participants on “next steps”.
At the end of each Town Hall session, VVV encouraged all community members to
continue to contribute ideas to both hospital and health department leaders via email or
personal conversations.
< NOTE: To review detail Town Hall discussion content, please turn to Section V for
detail notes of session and activity card content reporting of open end comments.>