Community Health Needs Assessment
Table of Contents
Executive Summary
a) CHNA Scope & Purpose
b) Local Collaborating CHNA parties…the identity of any and all
organizations with which the organization collaborated and third parties that
engaged to assist with the CHNA.
c) CHNA & Town Hall Research Process… a description of the process & methods
used to conduct the CHNA, a description of how the organization considered the
input of persons representing the community, and an explanation of the
process/criteria used in prioritizing such needs.
d) Community Profile (Demographics/Economics)… a description of the community
served by the facility and how the community was determined. TABS 1-2
Community Health Status
a) Town Hall CHNA Findings: Areas of Strengths & Areas to Change and/or
b) County Health Area of Future Focus… a prioritized description of all of the
community needs identified by the CHNA.
c) Historical Health Statistics – TAB 3-10
Inventory of Existing Community Health Resources
a) Physician Manpower, Health Service Offerings, Detail Inventory of HC providers
and Detail Listing local DOH…. a description of the existing health care facilities
and other resources within the community available to meet the needs identified
through the CHNA.
Detail Exhibits
a) Patient Origin & Access to Care
b) Town Hall Attendees, Notes & Feedback… who those persons are (with
c) Public Notice & News
Primary Research Detail
Prepared by VVV Research & Development INC
Shaded lines note IRS requirements
YR 2013