Community Garden, November Issue, Number Three clone_2015 | Page 18

California ' s agricultural industry has pushed back against state restrictions , arguing that misuse of the pesticide by some groups should not lead to widespread limits .
Joel Nelson , president of the California Citrus Mutual , a trade association that represents citrus producers , said regulators in his state want to apply a " broad-brush approach " that he called unfair . Alternative pesticides exist , but Nelson said they ' re not as effective and are more expensive .
Veena Singla , a scientist with NRDC ' s health and environment program , said farm workers and rural communities " continue to be in harm ' s way " from the millions of pounds of chlorpyrifos applied to agricultural fields in California and other states .
The EPA ' s announcement " is a huge step in the right direction , but we think there ' s enough evidence to ban all its uses now ," Singla said .
CropLife America , a trade group that represents pesticide producers , called the proposed ban a " drastic and unnecessary step that is caused by wasteful , agenda-driven litigation " filed by environmental groups .
" We are confident that due legal and scientific process will make this proposed action unnecessary ," said Jay Vroom , the group ' s president .
News on Friday , October 30 , 2015 .