Community Garden Magazine Issue Two October 2015 | Page 40
American Academy of Dermatology’s Shade and Structure Program. Awards
Grants to public schools and non-profit organizations to install permanent shade
structures for outdoor locations that are not protected from the sun, such as
playgrounds, pools, or, recreation spaces.
American Honda Foundation. Funding for youth education, specifically in the
areas of science, technology, enginerring, mathematics, the environment, job
training and literacy.
Annual Youth Garden Grant. The Home Depot and National Gardening
Arizona School Garden Grant—Western Growers Foundation.
Annie’s Grants for Gardens. Donations to Schools and other educational
programs that help build school gardens to help connect kids to real food.
California Fertilizer Foundation School Garden Grant Program
California Native Garden Foundation. Native garden design grants.
Captain Planet Foundation. Annually funds projects involving children and young
adults; recipients are often schools and non-profits that propose projects
promoting understanding of environmental issues.
Chefs Move to Schools. The program pairs chefs with interested schools in their
communities to work with teachers, parents and school nutrition professionals to
help educate kids about food and nutrition.