Community Garden Magazine Issue Five January 2016 | Page 29
Nature Hills Nursery’s Green America Award
Nature Hills Nursery’s Green America Award supports community improvement projects
by providing trees, bushes, shrubs, and more. Some examples of winning projects
include reclaiming abandoned lots to create an orchard that will provide fruit to lowincome residents, developing or refurbishing landscaping in a community park, using
plants to create a soil erosion control plan along hillsides or river banks, etc. In 2012,
awards ranged from $500-$2,000, and awards are given in plan materials, such as
trees, bushes, seeds, etc., not actual dollars.
Nature Hills Nursery’s Green America Award
Nature Hills Nursery’s Green America Award supports community improvement projects
by providing trees, bushes, shrubs, and more. Some examples of winning projects
include reclaiming abandoned lots to create an orchard that will provide fruit to lowincome residents, developing or refurbishing landscaping in a community park, using
plants to create a soil erosion control plan along hillsides or river banks, etc. In 2012,
awards ranged from $500-$2,000, and awards are given in plan materials, such as
trees, bushes, seeds, etc., not actual dollars.
The American Academy of Dermatology’s Shade Structure Grant Program
The American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) offers their Shade Structure grant
program to public schools and nonprofit organizations. Grants of up to $8,000 are
awarded for installing permanent shade structures for outdoor locations that are not
protected from the sun. Organizations must have a 501(c)(3) nonprofit status and
provide services to people 18 years of age and younger. Applicants must also be
recommended by an AAD member dermatologist, and the AAD’s website offers a tool to
find a dermatologist that is an AAD member. See theAAD’s website for additional