Community Garden Magazine Issue Eight April 2016 Community Garden Magazine Issue Eight April 2016 | Page 5
Letter from the Publisher
Greetings! Is it about Spring!!! Time to plant our seeds and plant transplants….is it really…
you still have snow where you live. Some folks do. In the Midwest, even in late March and now
early April, some folks are seeing another round of snow. Our area has another evening of
nipping right there at 32 degrees overnight. Our plants to be transplanted have been in their
containers and a box for almost a week. We’ve kept them watered and in the sunlight when its
out versus raining. The wind has been something this year, also. Hey, at least it isn’t raining like
it did last year for most of last April. WOW!!! Hope we are past that sorry situation of last year.
I’m ready, got my Fork ready to pounce on some FRESH fruits and veggies. This will help as I’m
striving to lose some weight, also. Bring those FRESH salads on!!!
Be sure to fill you and your Family’s plate with more FRESH items, home Grown. Please do
support your local Farmers Market and eat local. Also, eat more FRESH food items that do not
have so much of the chemicals all over them. We’ll know soon how the Label battle finishes up
with any more voting done n the Senate….I’ll keep you posted……the Organic Consumers
Association sends emails to keep folks aware of where things are and moving. Lets keep the
current law of Vermont in place on Labeling. Do call your Senator to keep this in place…we only
have til the first of July 2016 to keep It in place…actually, before the Senate goes for its end of
Session. Keep the Faith.
Well, Enjoy! this planting season…some of you have already done that in your Greenhouses or
Hoophouses. Last year, at the end of the growing season, many companies SOLD out of
Hoophouses. And, the folks at Hartley-Botanic, Inc, the USA sales office, states they are seeing
an uptick on Personal Greenhouses being built from the need to grow your own food.
Wonderful. Now, start a Community Garden soon where you live, work, or play! YES!!! You can
do it. The need is Great.
Contact us with your many ideas for news articles, what is happening in your area of the Nation
or World, what new products are out there, what are some new trends happening in
Community Gardens, what new Grants are available, and, more! Happy Spring Gardening! For
2016 and lets all make this Summer SIZZLE with FRESH fruits and vegetables to eat! Enjoy!
Have a Great Community Garden Day!
Mary K. Hukill, Publisher
Email: [email protected]