Community Education program brochures Volunteer handbook | Page 7

Crisis plans
Crisis plans are in place for all locations . Plans include steps to take in case of a medical emergency , fire , tornado , lockdown , building evacuation , power outage , bomb threat , shooting , weapons , assault , or lost student . Be certain to follow staff instructions .
Cultural awareness
Our communities are culturally diverse . It is important that we work with one another positively and be aware of cultural differences .
You may not discipline students beyond maintaining order in your group or activity . Please report any problems with student behavior to the supervising staff . School staff are always responsible for discipline .
Job duties
It is important that you work within the parameter of the assignment that has been given . Consult with the staff member if you have any questions regarding your assignment . If personal injuries occur while volunteering , it must be reported immediately to the building health professional , Volunteer Services Coordinator , or the supervising staff .
Record keeping
Keeping accurate records is an important part of the volunteer program . Accurate records allow us to assist volunteers who might request records for use on job applications ; they allow us to track how , when , and where volunteers are utilized in the district ; and they serve in future program planning . Accurate records enable us to recognize the contributions of all volunteers . Volunteer services performed off-site will use an alternative method of capturing volunteer hours .
Staff responsibilities
Volunteers are an important part of the educational team . The suggestions and opinions of volunteers are always welcome . It is the staff , however , that are held responsible by law for the decisions that are made regarding the instruction of students and school management . For this reason , volunteers always work under the supervision of the staff . The staff are responsible for everything that goes on in the building - including student instruction , safety and discipline .