Classes will be held virtually using Google Meet . Participants will receive a link two to three days prior to the class start date . Pre-registration required
" But teacher ! We don ' t have to understand it , we just need to do the worksheet !” When your students think reading means letting their eyes glaze over each sentence in the text , learning suffers . Come prepared to laugh and participate through this session . Learn at least five practical , concrete , use tomorrow ways to engage students deeply with informational text . Be prepared to take an active role in this session as methods are introduced , modeled and discussed . This course is designed to meet the CEU required criteria for license renewal in the area of Scientifically-Based Reading Instruction . Instructor : Julie Scullen . Class fee : $ 19 includes materials and CEUs .
NOTE : Participants must be visible to the presenter during the session , both for feedback but also to ensure attendance . Attendance will be taken within a Google Form , and the resulting spreadsheet sent to Sonya Griffith at the ESC . The Google Form will request participant name , employee number , and a question regarding how this session was / will be impactful to the work of the attendee .
Registration closes at 8 a . m . on the day class is scheduled or until it fills . Classes will be cancelled if minimum registration of 10 participants is not met . Register online at
ahschools . ce . eleyo . com or call the Adult Learning office at 763-506-5766 ( Monday-Friday 8:30 a . m . – 4 p . m ).
Anoka-Hennepin Community Education offers additional CEU opportunities for teachers through our online partner , Ed2Go .
• Classes are available in the areas of classroom computing , languages , mathematics , reading and writing , science and additional tools for teacher .
• New six-week sessions begin each month .
• Upon completing a course with a passing score , you will receive an Award of Completion that can be printed for approval .
• Please note that it is the responsibility of each licensee to verify acceptance of these courses and to apply for clock hours with the Anoka-Hennepin Continuing Education Committee .
Register today at http :// www . ed2go . com / anokahenn .
www . discovercommunityed . com
Call : 763-506-5766 Email : info @ discovercommunityed . com
Facebook . com / discovercommunityed @ AHCommunityEd @ AHCommunityEd