Community Education program brochures Preschool registration information, 2023-24 | Page 2

Monday , March 27 from 4:30-6 p . m . or 6:30-8 p . m .

Welcome !

Anoka-Hennepin Community Education offers preschool classes , which prepare children for kindergarten . The preschool curriculum is closely aligned with the school district kindergarten curriculum . Licensed teachers monitor child progress and development throughout the school year . Preschool classrooms are inclusive of children with a wide range of abilities . Teaching teams include both general ed and special ed teachers who will support and interact with all children .
Children gain skills and experiences in :
• Learning to follow routines and rules .
• Learning to get along with other children .
• Literacy and writing .
• Math , science , art and music .
Classes are held from September to May / June at locations throughout the Anoka-Hennepin School District . Multiple class options with morning , afternoon , and evening class times are available .
If you would like a translated version of this document and / or further assistance , please contact your child ’ s school or the Family Welcome Center ( 763-433-4680 ).
Si desea una versión traducida de este documento o más información , haga el favor de ponerse en contacto con la escuela de su hijo / a o el Centro de Bienvenida a la Familia ( Family Welcome Center ) ( 763-433-4680 ).
Haddaad u baahatid dokumiintigaan noocisa turjuman iyo / ama caawimo dheeraad ah , fadlan la xariir dugsiga ubadkaaga ama Xarunta Soodhoweynta Qoyska ( Family Welcome Center ) ( 763-433-4680 ).
Yog koj xav tau ib qhov txhais ua lus rau daim ntawv no thiab / losyog kev pab ntxiv , thov cuag nrog koj tus menyuam lub tsev kawm ntawv los yog qhov Chaw Tos Txais Tsev Neeg ( Family Welcome Center ) ( 763-433-4680 ).
Anoka-Hennepin Schools Preschool is a service of the Community Education Department and is open to all families of the Anoka-Hennepin School District . This document will be provided in alternate formats upon a 72-hour request to accommodate people with disabilities . Please contact 763-506-1279 .

FREE Preschool Information Night - Two times available !

Monday , March 27 from 4:30-6 p . m . or 6:30-8 p . m .
Educational Service Center
2727 N Ferry St in Anoka ( Enter Door No . 7 )
The pressure to get preschool “ right ” makes many parents anxious . Don ’ t worry - we are here for you ! You will have the opportunity to talk to our teaching staff about preschool , the curriculum , and their classrooms . Learn about the variety of options available to find the best fit for your child .
Register online at ahschools . ce . eleyo . com