Community Education program brochures Metro North ABE - Consortium newsletter, Mar. 2018 | Page 5
levels of instruction are working to-
ward personal goals outside of the
basic skills, in 2011-2012 Adult
Basic Education Teaching and
Learning Advancement System
(ATLAS) created a new profes-
sional development initiative called
ACES- Academic, Career and Em-
ployability Skills. According to the
ATLAS homepage for ACES, “The
goal of ACES is to ensure that ABE
programs are able to provide effec-
tive contextualized instruction inte-
grating post-secondary education
and training readiness, employabil-
ity skills, and career readiness at all
ABE has worked to be a leader in
the field of standards implementa-
tion. To this end, many training op-
portunities and ongoing support are
provided to enable that goal to be
Transitions Integration
Framework (TIF)
The Transitions Integration Frame-
work (TIF) defines the professional
or soft skills taught in Minnesota
ABE. Skills such as critical think-
ing, effective communication,
learning strategies and self-man-
agement are considered necessary
for healthy employment or post-
secondary trai