Community Education program brochures Metro North ABE - Consortium newsletter, Fall 2017 | Seite 3

ABE 101

Metro North ABE offers a wide range of classes and programs to help adults meet their educational and personal goals .
• English as a Second Language classes help students build English reading , writing , speaking , and listening skills .
• General ABE classes help students with basic reading , writing , and math skills , GED ® preparation , Adult Diploma Credit Recovery and the Minnesota Standard Adult High School Diploma .
• Distance Learning is also offered at most sites either fully online or as a combination of on-site and online classes .
• Metro North ABE offers a TEAS Preparation class . The ATI TEAS ( Test of Essential Academic Skills ) is a test produced by Assessment Technology Institute ( ATI ), designed to assess medical field students ' knowledge in math , science , English and reading .
• Accuplacer Math Bootcamp is for adults who want to strengthen their arithmetic or algebra skills for college placement .
• U . S . Citizenship classes are offered for learners who want to prepare to take the citizenship test .
• Our Food Handler class is for adults who are interested in working in food careers .
• Computer skills classes cover basic computer digital literacy standards .
• Driver Education prep classes focus on basic comprehension of the driver test manual , general driving rules , concepts , and vocabulary .

More Than a Classroom

Since 1996 , over 500 inmates have earned their high school equivalency degree while incarcerated
Metro North ABE has a strong history in partnering with our local correctional facilities . Currently , programming is offered at three county institutions including Huber Corrections , the Anoka County Sheriff ’ s jail and Sherburne County Corrections . Year-round ABE classes are taught by licensed Metro North ABE staff . Inmates work on basic skills brush-up , English as a Second Language ( ESL ), and GED preparation .
The partnership between Metro North ABE and Sherburne County Jail began in 1992 when ABE classes were offered once a week for the 40-60 inmates housed there . It is now a federal holding facility that has expanded in size to a capacity of nearly 600 inmates . Adult Basic Education classes are offered three times a day , five days a week providing English as Second Language instruction , basic skills brush-up , GED preparation and credit recovery diploma . The ABE program serves approximately 350-400 learners per year with equal numbers of students participating in ESL , GED and basic skills classes .
The partnership between Metro North ABE and Anoka County Corrections began in 1996 . At the time , GED and basic brush-up classes were offered 5 days a week at the Lino Lakes Minimum Security facility . The classes were open to both female and male offenders . It didn ’ t take long for the county to see success in the program and extend services to the Huber
Workhouse one night a week . When the Lino Lakes facility closed its doors in 2009 , they shifted the class hours over to Huber and the program has been running strong ever since .
In 2003 the Anoka County Sheriff ’ s Jail began offering programming at the downtown Anoka facility . A proposed “ 16-week GED prep class pilot ” turned into consistent programming that is still going after 14 years . Both Anoka County facilities are able to provide onsite GED testing , which has led to over 500 inmates earning their equivalency degree while incarcerated . In 2010 , the Sheriff ’ s Jail was nominated for , and won , the Literacy Action Network “ Partner of the Year ” award for its dedicated partnership with Metro North ABE .
Through these partnerships with correctional facilities , Metro North ABE has made an impact on the lives of many individuals . Studies indicate that education in correctional facilities reduces recidivism , which translates into reductions in crime , savings to taxpayers , and long-term contributions to the safety and well-being of the communities to which formerly incarcerated people return .
Metro North Adult Basic Education | Ph : 763-433-4200 | www . MetroNorthABE . org OCTOBER 2017 3