Community Education program brochures Adventures Plus - Summer 2020 | Page 4

Adventures Plus school-age care provides a safe, nurturing atmosphere for students during the summer emphasizing the development of social, emotional, physical, and intellectual skills. Multiple locations to choose from: • Andover Elementary • Lincoln Elementary • Brookside Elementary* • Mississippi Elementary** • Champlin-Brooklyn Park Academy*** • Morris Bye Elementary • Champlin Park High School • Ramsey Elementary • Dayton Elementary • Rum River Elementary • Jefferson Elementary • Sand Creek Elementary • Johnsville Elementary • University Avenue Elementary *Due to limited space, this site will only serve students attending Brookside Elementary during the school year, and students eligible for targeted services. ** Due to limited space, this site will only serve students attending Hoover/Mississippi Elementary during the school year, and students eligible for targeted services. *** Due to limited space, this site will only serve students attending Champlin-Brooklyn Park Academy during the school year, and students eligible for targeted services. Accommodations for targeted services Adventures Plus school-age care will provide transportation to targeted services sites. If your child is eligible to receive targeted services, enroll in summer Adventures Plus school-age care programs at one of the sites listed below: The school district will provide targeted ser- vices for eligible students at the following sites this summer: • A  ndover Elementary, Ramsey Elementary or Rum River Elementary • Brookside Elementary Transportation to: • C  hamplin-Brooklyn Park Academy, Champlin Park High School or Dayton Elementary • Oxbow Creek Elementary • J  efferson Elementary or Johnsville Elementary • Sunrise Elementary • L  incoln Elementary, Mississippi Elementary or Morris Bye Elementary • Hoover Elementary Adventures Plus is a service provided by the Community Education Department of the Anoka-Hennepin School District. Adventures Plus is supported by participant fees. Regular K-12 instruction funding did not pay for this publication. This document will be provided in alternative format for individuals with disabilities or in another language for individuals whose primary language is not English. A minimum of 3 days notice is needed. Please call the Family Welcome Center at 763-433-4680. 2727 N. Ferry St. Anoka, MN 55303 763-506-1400