Community Education - current class catalogs Youth activities and classes - Winter/Spring 2020 | Page 24

Non-profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Anoka, Minnesota Permit No. 40 ANOKA HENNEPIN INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO 11 2727 N. Ferry St. Anoka, MN 55303-1650 THE ANOKA CHILDREN’S THEATER WILL PRESENT, “SHREK, THE MUSCIAL, JR.” WITH PERFORMANCES MARCH 26-29. Families and children are invited to attend, audience participation is encouraged! Student actors in grades four-eight will deliver a delightful story of ogres, fairytale creatures and wacky royalty - all in a far away kingdom as the whole cast comes together to celebrate individuality and true love. Students work for months to learn roles, lines and music, and design professional sets. Performances are always an impressive delight! Purchase tickets online in February at or by calling 763-506-5114. The volunteer ticket master will confirm your order by email or phone within 24 hours. Ticket prices are $10 for adults ages 18 and up, and $5 for seniors and youth. ANOKA CHILDREN’S THEATRE SHREK SWAMP PARTY It’s the 30th anniversary of Anoka Children’s Theatre and Shrek and his friends are throwing a party! Our favorite ogre is inviting you to a fun afternoon in the swamp including games, crafts and snacks. Our Anoka Children’s Theatre cast will be in costume with photo opportunities and a preview of their upcoming show! A coloring contest will be held with two free tickets to “Shrek the musical Jr.” awarded to the winner! Feel free to dress as your favorite Shrek character or in your favorite swamp gear. All children must be accompanied by an adult. Date/Day Location Who Wks Time Feb 29 Sa AMSA Ages 0-99 1 1-3 pm Number CS201-4D2-W Fee $10 ($5)