Student name ____________________________________________ Gender M F Birth date _______________ Grade ______ Address __________________________________________________________________________ School __________________________ City _________________________________________ Zip _______________ Phone no . ( Home ) ________________________________ Accommodation needs _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Parent / Guardian name _________________________________________ ( Work ) _____________________ ( Cell ) __________________
Parent / Guardian email address ______________________________________________________________________________________
Providing us with an email address allows us to contact you in case of schedule changes .
Cash , Check no . ___________ or Visa MasterCard Discover ( Check one ) Amount $__________________________________ Cardholder signature required _____________________________ Exp . date _________/_________ Checks payable to Anoka-Hennepin Dist . No . 11 Credit card no . ________ ________ ________ ________ — ________ ________ ________ ________ — ________ ________ ________ ________ — _______ ________ ________ ________ Course name _________________________________ Location ___________________ Number _________________ Fee __________ Course name _________________________________ Location ___________________ Number _________________ Fee __________ Course name _________________________________ Location ___________________ Number _________________ Fee __________
Athletic participants must have a Sports Qualifying Physical , and Eligibility and Emergency Health form on file at your schools ’ Community Education office . Do you have these forms on file ? Yes No ( Check one ) Please list significant health , injury or concussion concerns :_______________________________________________________________
Anoka Middle School - AMS Fred Moore Campus 1523 Fifth Ave . S ., Anoka - 763-506-5012
Andover Elem . School - Andover Elem 14950 Hanson Blvd . N . W ., Andover 763-506-1712
Registration Information and Frequently Asked Questions
Online registration Register at www . discovercommunityed . com – convenient , secure , 24-hour registration using your Visa , MasterCard or Discover Card . Click on " register " enter the class name into the search box or scroll to the bottom of page for two options , classes-by school or classes-districtwide .
Drop-off registration - as of Jan . 3 Drop-off a separate form and payment for each class location at your schools ’ Community Education office M-F from 8:30 a . m . - 4:30 p . m .
Middle School Youth Activities Contacts and Locations
Coon Rapids Middle School - CRMS 11600 Raven St . NW ., Coon Rapids 763-506-4812
Crooked Lake Elementary 2939 Bunker Lk . Blvd . NW ., Andover 763-506-2112
Bunker Park Stables
Jackson Middle School - JMS
550 Bunker Lake Blvd ., Andover
Community Education funds , including participant fees , paid for the printing and distribution of this publication . Regular K-12 instruction funding was not used .
Anoka-Hennepin Community Education 763-506-1260
Fee assistance Limited fee assistance is available for students receiving free or reduced lunch . Contact your schools ’ Community Education office .
Inclement weather Decision to cancel will be made just prior to class time . All outdoor activities that are cancelled will not be rescheduled or refunded .
Transportation Activity buses are available M-Th for all programs that meet immediately after school .
Photos and video : Anoka-Hennepin Schools staff , volunteers , representatives of the news media and others occasionally photograph and videotape participants in our programs . The photos and video may be used for district and departmental promotions , or in school and department-related publications , videos , web and social media sites as appropriate . Anoka-Hennepin Community Education will take reasonable steps to prevent participants who prefer not be be photographed / videotaped , but cannot guarantee that participants will not be photographed / videotaped as part of a large group or public event , such as a theatre production or athletic event .
6000 109th Ave . N ., Champlin - 763-506-5312
Payment You may pay with a personal check , cash or credit card . Make checks payable to Anoka-Hennepin Schools . Registrations are not complete without payment . A registration confirmation will be emailed to you if an email address is provided . Classes are filled on a first-come , first-serve basis . Activities with low enrollment will be cancelled . Participants will be notified and payment refunded .
Refund policy Customer initiated cancellations made at least five business days before the class is scheduled to start may qualify for a partial refund . Customer initiated cancellations made less than five business days are not eligible for a refund .
Northdale Middle School - NMS 11301 Dogwood St . NW ., Coon Rapids 763-506-5412
Oak View Middle School - OVMS 15400 Hanson Blvd ., Andover - 763-506-5612
Roosevelt Middle School - RMS 650 125th Ave . NE ., Blaine - 763-506-5812
‘ Like ’ us on Facebook for activity updates and information : www . facebook . com / discovercommunityed