Community Education - current class catalogs Project Power - Fall 2017 | Página 5
Preparing for the Future
Guardianship and Supplemental
Needs Trusts
Planning for your child's future is critical to ensuring
he or she will have important legal and financial
protections into adulthood. Learn the process for
establishing legal guardianship for adult children
with disabilities, and how to qualify for free legal
assistance. Discover the importance of supplemental
needs trusts and how they can help provide for your loved one with a disability
while still maintaining eligibility for government benefits. Class fee: $19.
Day/Date: Thurs., Sept. 28
Time: 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.
Location: Staff Dev Ctr-Enter Door 7
Ready for a new
Try adult learning classes and activities
coordinated by Anoka-Hennepin
Community Education.
Project Power promotes inclusion in a variety
of community education programs. If needed,
a staff/caregiver may attend with the participant
or you may notify us for additional assistance.
We encourage you to try these and any of the
classes offered in the adult class catalog.
Regi ster online or call to sign up today:
Register for classes online at