Community Education - current class catalogs Project Power - Fall 2014 | Page 3

Crayon Candle Making Day/Date: Tues., Oct. 28 Time: 6:30 - 8 p.m. Location: Coon Rapids MS-Room 117 Class fee: $15 Fiber Art Designs Create art using different types of fibers over a painted canvas to create a 3D layering effect. Twine, yarn, string or floss are some of the fibers you can use to make your masterpiece. Bring a photo from home if you would like to add a picture. Instructors: Peggy and Maggie. Day/Date: Mon., Nov. 10 Time: 6:30 - 8 p.m. Location: Coon Rapids MS-Room 117 Class fee: $15 Arts & Crafts Pick your favorite colors and scent to make a candle you can enjoy at home or share as a gift this holiday season. The candles will be made be melting crayons and pouring the wax into a new mold, adding scent and a wick. The final product is a beautiful handmade candle. Instructors: Roni and Amy. Hodge Podge Trinket Painting If you love to paint this is a class for you! Pick from various knickknacks and trinkets and add your personal touch. Each person will be able to paint and take home more than one item. Instructors: Peggy and Maggie. Day/Date: Wed., Sept. 17 Time: 6:30 - 8 p.m. Location: Coon Rapids MS-Room 117 Class fee: $9 Class registration and information line: 763-506-1290 • Fax line: 763-506-1299 1