Community Education - current class catalogs Families - Winter/Spring 2020 | Page 7

ECFE AGE-SPECIFIC CLASSES PARENT/CHILD CLASSES Class Under Glass (30 months up to kindergarten) Studies prove that spending time outdoors builds confidence, promotes creativity, provides unique stimulation, and gets children moving – all while reducing stress and fatigue. Parents and children will learn about the outdoors and nature, both in and out of our greenhouse, through artwork and sensory experiences. Class will be spent indoors and outdoors - even through the winter months. Course No. Day Date EC289-31n Tu Feb 4-Jun 2 EC289-32n W Time Location Wks Fee Scale 10:45 am-12:30 pm Riverview ECC 15 A Feb 5-May 20 10:45 am-12:30 pm Riverview ECC 15 A Preschool Here I Come! (30 months up to kindergarten) It is an exciting time when your child starts preschool! This is the time to practice getting ready for preschool by listening to stories, singing, painting and making new friends! Parenting discussion will focus on preschool skills as well as other topics. Course No. Day Date Time EC376-31n M Feb 3-Jun 1 1:30-3:15 pm Location Wks Fee Scale Riverview ECC 15 A Join your Parent Advisory Council! Attending Parent Advisory Council (PAC) meetings is a great way to learn more about school district programs and make personal connections with other families attending ECFE and preschool programs. The parent volunteers of the PAC support your ECFE and Anoka-Hennepin Schools Preschool programs by sharing their energy, ideas and suggestions. Meetings are typically held the second Monday of each month during the school year from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Child care is provided. 763-506-1500 ahschools/ECFEPAC Do you have a parenting question? Opportunities sponsored by the Parent advisory Council: Children don’t come with instruc- • Community Baby Shower – in honor of “Week of the Young Child,” the PAC hosts a community baby shower to collect new baby supplies (diapers, formula, wipes, bottles, pacifiers, etc.) for families with young children who are in need. tions! Licensed parent educators from the Anoka-Hennepin Schools Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE) program are happy to share parenting ideas and tips, or point families in the right direction of community and sup- port resources if necessary. Don’t be shy! Ask your parenting questions about children ages birth to age eight. • Garden center gift card fundraiser – details to come in early spring about purchasing garden center gift cards – a great option for spring gift-giving holidays. • Vehicle Day – watch for details online at We are looking for vehicles to participate in the event. Be a part of this fun day. See page 14 for more information. 7