Community Education - current class catalogs Families - Winter/Spring 2020 | Page 5

ECFE AGE-SPECIFIC CLASSES PARENT/CHILD CLASSES Movers & Doers (9-20 months) Learning activities designed for children on the move. Parenting discussion occurs in the classroom so children can practice independence with a parent/caregiver nearby. Topics include responding to new behaviors, encouraging language development, preventing temper tantrums and more. Parent/Caregiver and child separation will be gradual. Course No. Day Date Time Location EC306-21 Tu Feb 4-Apr 14 6-7:30 pm Sorteberg ECC 8 B EC306-22 Th Feb 6-May 28 9-10:30 am Sorteberg ECC 15 A EC306-23 Tu Apr 21-Jun 2 Sorteberg ECC 7 B 6-7:30 pm Wks Fee Scale Wonderful Ones (11-20 months) So much has changed in your child’s first year! Spend time with your one-year-old learning, discovering and playing in a classroom designed for exploring and moving as well as parenting discussion on topics related to the joys and challenges of this age. Parent/caregiver and child separation will be gradual. Course No. Day Date Time Location Wks Fee Scale EC320-31n W Feb 5-May 20 8:45-10:15 am Riverview ECC 15 A EC320-41 F Feb 7-May 29 8:45-10:15 am Coon Rapids Family Place 14 A EC320-61 F Feb 7-May 29 10:45 am-12:15 pm Andover Family Place 14 New Parent Connections (Birth-9 months) (3 years up to kindergarten) This preschool class meets two days a week. The first day, parents and children attend together. The second day is for children only. Parent attendance is expected in order for child to participate in the child-only day. Activities are aligned with Anoka- Hennepin Schools kindergarten curriculum to enhance the development of social skills, math, literacy, music and science. Parenting topics include getting ready for kindergarten, setting limits, bedtime and more. Sibling care is available at Coon Rapids and Riverview on the parent/child day of class – $50/child. Registration is required. Andover Family Place EC361-61 | M/W* | Feb 3-Jun 1 | 10:45 am-12:45 pm | 15 weeks The transition to parenthood is joyous but can be overwhelming. Join us for research-based parenting information along with relevant discussions led by a parent educator who will support you on your journey as a new parent. Plus, you will be in the company of other new parents who are also on the same journey. Each week you will learn so much more than you ever expected or thought you needed to know, all while making friends, strengthening the bond with your baby. Join us with your baby for weekly discussions. There is no need to register and no cost to attend – you may join at any time! EC361-62 | Tu/Th* | Feb 4-Jun 2 | 5:45-7:30 pm | 15 weeks Coon Rapids Family Place EC361-41 n | M/W* | Feb 3-Jun 1 | 1:15-3:15 pm | 15 weeks Riverview Early Childhood Center EC361-31 n | Tu/Th* | Feb 4-Jun 2 | 1:30-3:30 pm | 15 weeks *Child-only preschool day. Use the fee scale below to determine class fee. If you have questions or to see if you qualify for a partial scholarship, call the ECFE main office at 763-506-1275. Parents, Kids & Preschool Fee Scale Andover Family Place Feb 5-May 20 | Wednesdays | 1:15-2:30 pm | Free No class Mar. 18 Online registration is not available for this class. For questions call A Parents, Kids & Preschool 763-767-3520. Family Income Level 1 child 2 or more children Up to $24,999 $49 $69 $25,000-$39,999 $99 $139 $40,000-$54,999 $199 $229 $55,000-$69,999 $249 $279 $70,000-$84,000 $299 $329 $85,000 + $349 $379 5